When designing an office, there are many factors to consider beyond just fitting in as many workstations as possible. A well-designed office should accommodate the diverse needs of everyone who works there—whether that means creating spaces for introverts and extroverts, accommodating different working styles, or bridging generational gaps. When employees are in an environment where they can thrive, they’re more likely to contribute their best skills and talents.

Your office workers spend most of their time behind their desks in the office. In fact, many of them spend 67 days a year just sitting sedentary at their desks. That’s why starting off your business with a great office fitout design is so crucial to maintaining employee happiness, health and wellbeing. To have workers that work well, you first need to give them an environment that isn’t actively trying to kill them (WHS).

That is why many office designers and interior decorators have been inspired by biophilia when approaching modern office design and office furniture selection. Biophilia is our intrinsic human connection with nature. Architects and interior designers are striving to recreate the invigorating and refreshing sensation you get from a hike in the mountains or a stroll in the local park, along with the calming effect of viewing natural scenery. Instead of designing offices that disconnect you from nature, they are now focused on bringing elements of nature indoors.

Science actively supports how plants help invigorate your workers if you incorporate them intelligently into your office. Here we’ll list just a few of benefits you can get from adding a few bits of greenery around.

1.    Office Plants boost your business by reducing stress

In an early study by UTS, plants were found to reduce worker stress by impressive figures – dropping anxiety by 37%, 58% in depression and feeling dejection, 44% decrease in work hostility and even 38% reduction in fatigue.

In a culture where overwork, stress, and mental health issues have become significant hidden costs to businesses, maintaining a positive mental health environment can greatly benefit both your staff and your company. If adding a few plants to your office can enhance well-being and reduce burnout, why not take that simple step?

2.    Indoor make an attractive and engaging workplace

Boring workplaces are of the past – newer generations like Millennials and Gen Z love an interactive and engaging workplace. They see work as an extension of their life, and value an office that supports their needs. A 2015 Human Spaces report stated just that: a third of their surveyed workers said that having a well-designed workplace would sway them into joining a company.

Adding plants are a great step to increasing the attractiveness of your office to help retain your newer workers.

We connect more easily to spaces that hold nature. Offices lacking natural light and plants can feel sterile and unwelcoming. Creating a comfortable, inviting space with natural elements can make employees feel more at home, enhancing their well-being and motivation, which in turn boosts productivity and engagement.

3.    Biophilic Office Design Increases your Productivity

Office plants are said to increase productivity by up to 15% if they’re in your worker’s line of sight, says a 2014 research study by the University of Exeter. By putting a plant per square metre, you can also improve a worker’s memory retention, which helps them score better on basic tests. It’s probably a layover effect from decreasing stress, but plants also help with psychological engagement and wellbeing. Allowing your workers to work in a place where they feel safe and engaged, they naturally become more productive workers.

Go to Work feel at Home

Plants have numerous benefits for your office – so try it out now! If you want advice as to what plants best suit your office, wondering what plants can thrive in the lighting and humidity your office has, feel free to get in contact with us now at 1300 943 588 or via our contact form. We’re glad to help!