Office fitouts

Make Good Choices

  Why is a Make Good an Important Matter to Consider? A Make Good can be an easily overlooked process for tenants that are moving out. It seems simple at first glance. Isn’t a Make Good just something you have to remember to do at the end of your lease? A promise to leave your [...]

2024-05-28T22:01:25+00:00May 28th, 2024|Categories: Make Good, Office Fit-outs, Office fitouts|

RWCorkery&co Office officially opens in Chatswood

  On 9th January 2023 RWC officially opened our Chatswood office at Suite 12.01, 1‑5 Railway Street, Chatswood NSW. Like many organisations coming out of COVID lock downs, integrating flexible working arrangement into our business culture and gradual changes in staff commuting patterns has presented challenges both in how we work, the culture of our [...]

2023-01-22T23:05:23+00:00January 22nd, 2023|Categories: Office Fit-outs, Office fitouts|

Office design in the age of Covid

  Covid-19 has meant seismic changes for modern offices. Zoom, flexible hours, time-shifting and work from home have had a huge effect on the way most companies function. But as vaccines roll out around the world and the “new normal” looms on the horizon, it’s time to start thinking about how office life – and [...]

How to Design Your Office for both Millennials and Baby Boomers

Millennials and Boomers have two drastically different philosophies in what they want out of their workspaces, and that can give rise to tension in the office. The Boomer generation preferred quiet spaces and privacy, creating the traditional cubicle office design, still commonly used by large organisations, with a need for internal procedures, standardisation and bureaucratic [...]

Complying Development Certificates (CDC)

What is a Complying Development Certificate (CDC)? Under NSW’s State Environmental Planning Policy, a CDC is designed to ensure compliance with various environmental and safety codes. While this may sound like a chore or overwhelming if you’re in charge of overseeing an office fit out, keep in mind that the certificate is referred to as [...]

2021-06-18T06:22:26+00:00February 7th, 2019|Categories: Office Fit-outs, Office fitouts|

Colour & Visual Comfort (Part 4)

Colour and the ways it is used in interior design has an impact on how we feel and how well we perform in that environment, there’s no doubt about it. But our preconceptions and common beliefs about how exactly colours will affect us don’t always hold true. The rigorous long-term study conducted by academics at [...]

2018-08-16T21:15:37+00:00August 16th, 2018|Categories: Office Fit-outs, Office fitouts|

Colour & Visual Comfort (Part 3)

A unique study conducted over 20 years by a team from the School of Architecture at the University of Texas examined the influence of colour within the office environment to properly understand how it affects those who work in it. They ran a series of four intriguing experiments, with some unexpected results. Study #1: Colour [...]

2018-06-04T23:19:17+00:00June 4th, 2018|Categories: Office Fit-outs, Office fitouts|

Colour & Visual Comfort (Part 2)

Colour has a direct impact on psychological wellbeing and productivity in the workplace. So it’s a key consideration in office and workplace design and planning. The authors of a study done at the University of Texas go so far as to say that designers have a responsibility to create harmony between colour and the intended [...]

2018-04-13T04:30:19+00:00April 13th, 2018|Categories: Office Fit-outs, Office fitouts|

Colour & Visual Comfort (Part 1)

Shakespeare famously said that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. But what about a rose of any other colour? Would it look as appealing? We all know that a red rose means something very different to a white one, or a yellow one, and each creates very different emotional responses. And [...]

2018-04-13T03:51:35+00:00March 6th, 2018|Categories: Office Fit-outs, Office fitouts|

Choosing the Right New Office Space

A Checklist for Choosing the Right New Office Space You’ve come to the end of the lease in your current premises, or perhaps business expansion means you’ve outgrown your existing space and its time to move on. So the search has begun for a new office space. You’ll look at a number of options as [...]

2018-01-19T00:02:09+00:00January 19th, 2018|Categories: Office Fit-outs, Office fitouts|
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